Wednesday, October 30, 2019

United Holidays Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

United Holidays - Essay Example It is considerably easy to carry out. Disadvantages It is time consuming Written sources 3 b. Discuss the purpose and features of a CASE tool, which could support the development of the required system for United Holidays Purpose: They enhance software development. They generate codes automatically and also used in normalization.Diagramming tools are used to draw the system models required or recommended in most methodologies. Description tools are used to record, delete, edit, and output non-graphical documentation and specifications. Prototyping tools are used construct system components including inputs, outputs, and programs. Inquiry and reporting tools are used to extract models, descriptions, and specifications from the repository. Quality management tools analyze models, descriptions, and prototypes for consistency, completeness, or conformance to accepted 'rules' of the methodologies that the CASE tools support. 4 a. What are the typical job roles that exist within the software development lifecycle, and at which stage(s) of the lifecycle will they each be active Systems Analyst Programmers: these are the people who develop the codes Users. They give information. Project Manager b. Who are the stakeholders in an information system, and what are their individual priorities System owners. These can be individuals or organizations. System Users. These are the staff or employees who interact with the system on a daily basis System Designers. System builders. Are the programmers Vendors. Are the ones who are in the business of selling and distributing these systems 5 a. What are the relevant advantages and disadvantages of Software Prototyping and the Waterfall with Iteration approach to software development Advantages of... United Holidays In object programming the practice to combine simple objects is referred to as composition for example the classes in the airline can not exist if the class airline is removed This allows the investigator to develop empathy for the study population through listening and participating. Additionally, observation allows the observer to become an "insider. The method is also very useful where no records of previous studies exist Data can be collected quickly on specific items; these data can be easily transferred into forms allowing quantified and computerized analyses; and data collection tasks can be delegated to less expensive field staff. Questionnaires also compel the adoption of some "organized structure" upon data collection (Fowler, M. 2003) Transition: in this phase the goal is to system and user test the system to ensure that it is ready to be deployed into production, to make needed corrections, and to actually deploy the system (Fowler, M. 2003). This leads to the fact that data programmers and other professionals need to be prepared to change and grow their models, including their database schema over time. Furthermore, iterations lead to the discovery of the need to re-factor their schema to reflect the needs of new requirements (Fowler, M. 2003). If your system needs to interface with existing legacy systems, and it often does, data professionals will likely be needed to be involved with legacy integration efforts. Data models are very likely needed, but they're not needed up front.

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen Essay Example for Free

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen Essay During the Enlightenment era, a period that lasted between the 17th and 18th centuries, European countries began associating with new methods of inquiry. There was a return to the classics, as well as a passion for reason over religion. The big idea was that there were no limits to human understanding, and that all humans are good and equal in nature. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, an article written by the National Assembly, is a prime example of an enlightenment text, for in seventeen simple articles, it expresses the basic rights of man and citizens. The first article states, â€Å"men are born and remain free and equal in rights. Social distinctions may be founded only upon the general good.† During enlightenment, it was believed that all humans are good people, although there was always room for improvement. This idea relates to article one, for article one proclaims that social distinctions are determined solely on how a person you are. Article two states, â€Å"the aim of all political association is the preservation of the natural and imprescriptible rights of man. These rights are liberty, property, security and resistance to oppression.† Enlightenment thinkers believed that before the law, people have rights to life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness, which is directly represented in article two. The last article which truly exemplifies enlightenment ideas is article ten, which states, â€Å"no one shall be disquieted on account of his opinions, including his religious views, provided their manifestation does not disturb the public order established by law. During enlightenment, people believed that there should be a separation between church and state. Article thirteen is a perfect example of this idea, proving that The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen was an enlightenment- based text.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Free Essays - Angela’s Ashes :: Ashes

Informal Essay on Angela’s Ashes   Angela’s Ashes is a moving book full of poverty, suffering, and death that shows that no matter how difficult things seem, the hard tines can always be overcome.   Angela and Malachy McCourt, both Irish, were married in America after a passionate night together that ended up producing their first son, Francis(or Frank as introduced to the reader).   Later, the couple had another son, twins, and a daughter while living in a small apartment in New York.   Margaret soon died and the family moved to Ireland where their lives were only worsened.   Angela had two more children that lived, but the young twins died.   Malachy was an alcoholic who rarely held a job and spent his wages at the pub instead of on his family.   They were forced to beg for food and other necessities because relatives were cruel and selfish.   This novel tells the tell of young Frank having to endure extreme poverty, starvation, and a broken family with strength and courage.   He eventuall y raises enough money to go to America and break free from his depressing childhood.   In my opinion, the theme of this book is that no matter how bad things seem to be, anyone can survive and become successful through perseverance and determination.   For example, Frank grew up in just about the worst environment possible but was determined enough to get himself to America and eventually become the author of a Pulitzer Prize winning novel!   Frank achieved his goals by taking any extra jobs that he could find and saving every penny possible until he could finally afford his passage to America.   Because his father never brought home any money, Frank supported the family with what little wages he earned at his job and was determined to make a good life for himself, his brothers, and his poor mother.   Frank learned to depend upon no one but himself and his determination to succeed won him a new life in America where he now lives happily married.        I noticed numerous literary devices present throughout the book.   One such device is the use of apostrophe.   Apostrophe is used continuously when Frank speaks to the angel on the seventh step and also when he and his parents speak to the dead children such as Eugene, Oliver, and Margaret.   The story is told from the point of view of Frank as he grows from a young boy of about three or four to a young man at nineteen.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

A professor teaches students to comprehend the different fields

Teaching is a fulfilling profession; yet, at times, can be wearisome. The ramifications of the teaching profession impact the whole society. This profession allows individuals to interact with fellow members of the society and learn from each other.A professor teaches students to comprehend the different fields of knowledge; eventually, these students apply what they have learned when they work or interrelate with individuals within a society. What I like about teaching is that it enables one to impart his knowledge to others, and eventually leads to a progressive and developed society. The thing that is undesirable about this job is that it is a taxing profession.Teaching allows a teacher to share what he/she has learned from the academic life. Sharing knowledge to others makes this profession a fulfilling one in the sense that the students are equipped with the necessary knowledge to overcome life’s challenges and trials that will come their way.When the students apply what they have learned from their mentors in their chosen profession, it is the society who is usually benefited. Teaching touches upon the different fields of studies such as the sciences, mathematics and humanities; thus, students who excel in these fields usually contribute most to the progress and development of the whole community and society.However, the actual exercise of the profession is a strenuous work due to the fact that a teacher needs to make lesson plans, appraise the progress of the students, be conversant with the subject he has to teach, and be flexible enough to adjust with the different character traits of each student.Nevertheless, teaching is still an indispensable profession in order for a society to function. A society needs to have some persons to intellectually guide the members of the community to discover and harness each individual’s potential for the benefit of the whole community. Teachers fill up this societal requirement.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Split Cherry Tree

The short story, Spilt Cherry Tree, was written by Jesse Stuart. In the beginning of the story, Dave and his classmates went with Professor Herbert on a field trip for biology class. They were all searching for lizards, bugs, snakes, frogs, flowers, and plants. Dave and five of his classmates had spotted a lizard in the old cherry tree up the hill, so all six of them ran up the tree after it, and the tree broke down. Eif Crabtree, the owner of the tree was plowing when it happened and he ran up and go tall the boys’ names. Dave’s five classmates who broke the tree with him were all able to get the dollar that they owed Mr. Crabtree, but Dave knew he wouldn’t be able to get his. Professor Herbert kept Dave after school and told him that he paid Dave’s dollar, but he would have to work four hours at the school to earn the full dollar, which means he would be getting paid twenty-five cents and hour to help the janitor. Dave really didn’t mind staying after school, but he knew that he would get a whipping from his father if he was two hours late getting home. Dave told Professor Herbert that he would rather have the professor whip him with a switch so he could go on home and help his dad with chores because he knew his dad would whip him if he was two hours late. Dave was also afraid that his father would make him quit school because he was a little old fashioned and didn’t understand the school system of that time. Split Cherry Tree The short story, Spilt Cherry Tree, was written by Jesse Stuart. In the beginning of the story, Dave and his classmates went with Professor Herbert on a field trip for biology class. They were all searching for lizards, bugs, snakes, frogs, flowers, and plants. Dave and five of his classmates had spotted a lizard in the old cherry tree up the hill, so all six of them ran up the tree after it, and the tree broke down. Eif Crabtree, the owner of the tree was plowing when it happened and he ran up and go tall the boys’ names. Dave’s five classmates who broke the tree with him were all able to get the dollar that they owed Mr. Crabtree, but Dave knew he wouldn’t be able to get his. Professor Herbert kept Dave after school and told him that he paid Dave’s dollar, but he would have to work four hours at the school to earn the full dollar, which means he would be getting paid twenty-five cents and hour to help the janitor. Dave really didn’t mind staying after school, but he knew that he would get a whipping from his father if he was two hours late getting home. Dave told Professor Herbert that he would rather have the professor whip him with a switch so he could go on home and help his dad with chores because he knew his dad would whip him if he was two hours late. Dave was also afraid that his father would make him quit school because he was a little old fashioned and didn’t understand the school system of that time.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Seeing Essays

Seeing Essays Seeing Essay Seeing Essay Essay Topic: The Outsiders In this course work I will be writing about the Film Witness. This film is about the Amish community and how they interact with the outer life. The film focuses on key points such as their way of life compared to The English. The Amish refer to the outsiders who are not Amish as English whether they are American, Chinese, German, white, black, blue, pink or any other ethnicity or colour. The main point in the film is about a boy who Witnesses a murder. Witness- witness is someone who has knowledge about a crime or dramatic event through their senses (e.g. seeing, hearing, smelling, touching) and can help certify important considerations to the crime or event. A witness who has seen the event firsthand is known as an eye-witness. This is a very good title for the film because witness not only means that you have seen it but you also understand what has happened. In this case Samuel Witnesses the murder and also understands what has happened. Seeing- To observe with the eyes. This word plays a very big part in the film as the film requires you to see through different angles to understand what is going on. One example of this is when McPhee murders a person. There are two ways of taking in this bit. The first way of seeing this is Why McPhee kills the man but then there is another way of looking at it. The second way of looking at it is that as McPhee is a police officer and he assassinates the person. Seeing the plot of the film is very simple and understandable. There is a young Amish boy called Samuel who is travelling to an Amish community who witnesses a murder while he is in the toilet at a railway station. Samuel is taken by a police officer called John Book as a witness. It is only realised about twenty minutes later after the murder that we find out the one of the criminals who murdered a person in the toilet was a police officer when Samuel identifies a photograph of the murderer, Lieutenant Mc Phee. Book trusts Schaeffer and tells him what has happened. Schaeffer tells McPhee that book has found out and is after him. Book realises that Samuel and his mother Rachel is in danger and takes them to Elis Farm where they will be hard to find. On leaving the farm after dropping them off Book is shot. The Amish take him in to their house to treat him but Book does not go to the hospital as he will have to file a gunshot-wound report which will give away his location. Book eventu ally falls in love with Rachel as he recovers. Book gets along in the Amish community. In the end McPhee and his gang find out Samuels location and come to attack them. McPhee is then killed By John Book while he is defending himself and then Schaffer gives up. Seeing the credits helps us in many ways. It tells us the name of the actors/actresses, Directors, the studio name and other information of the cast. The credits in this film are situated in the middle of the screen. The credits are all in the same font and are all in capitals. Important information such as the Studio name and Main characters are in larger font to catch the viewers attention. The director uses white lettering on a black background. These two opposite colours make the credits stand out and make the viewer focus on the credits. It also makes the credits easier to read. For example if you had dark green background and yellow writing it wouldnt stand out as much and would be harder to read. Seeing the contrasting colours make the credit scene very effective. This example of foreshadowing prepares the audience for further situations of opposites. After viewing the credits, the film then moves on from the credits overlapping with a scene showing a small hill with flowing grass being blown in the wind in front of a sky blue background which is the sky. This scene is very appropriate as it represents the Amish who are very simple people who live of the countryside. The green grass also represents the Amish as farmers which they have to do in order to live. This is another type of foreshadowing. Seeing the film makes us realise that the Amish are very secretive people. They do not like mixing with outsiders very much. After the scene with the wind blowing the grass, the director slowly introduces the Amish using a long shot. This type of introduction suggests that the Amish are against modern inventions. The distance is just about close enough for us to see their outlines but not what they look like. The director then brings them closer and shows them walking from the right of the screen to the left. The director suddenly switches to a scene with a horse and carriage for a few seconds and then switches back again. We then see the Amish slowly walking towards us which eventually introduces us to them and shows us what they look like. Seeing the movie has now passed for now. It is now time to focus on the music in the Opening scene. The music is very high pitched. This type of music leaves the viewer in anxiety and leaves him/her thinking about what is about to come. The music in this opening scene is stretches with only a dew notes being used. The music sets a mood of mystery. The music also has comforting sounds which adds to the mystery. This then leave the viewer thinking again about what is causing the soothing but suspenseful music. The music then progressively introduces new instruments such as the trumpet. At the end of this music it sound as if two tracks have been mixed together. Seeing the Amish and understanding them makes me think that the introduction to them is not very good. The introduction does not tell you enough about them and should show them doing more things such as farming, milking and doing other things that other people would not usually do. This would be a much easier introduction to them especially for people who have not known about them before. If the introduction showed more activities of the Amish, the film will be even easier to understand, not that it is hard to understand at the moment. Seeing the hill shot only shows us the head and shoulders and then shows the gradually disappearing into the horizon. This effect only shows us glimpses of them to make us focus on them for when they show all of them as we will want to know what they look like in full form. Although this is a good way of introducing them I would not choose this type of shot/angle as some people may become impatient and stop watching the film. Seeing the introduction could have been done in other ways but the director does not position the cameras on top of the hill with the Amish coming towards the viewer because this will introduce them to us very quickly. According to my understanding I think that the reason the director has not used that shot is to show that it takes a long time for the Amish to interact with the English and that they live their own lives according to the Amish rules and regulations. The slow introduction can also suggest that as the Amish do not like living with modern inventions, the Amish would refuse to come towards the camera as that is also a modern invention in real life situations. Seeing the composition of this shot it suggest that the Amish, like I have said before, would like to stay away from modern day inventions like the camera which is why the director uses this type of shot. Seeing the scene where Rachel and Samuel are told that their train has been delayed, Samuel and Rachel go to a bench to have a rest. This scene at the bench is shot from close to the floor looking up to create a larger than life atmosphere and makes the focus on Samuel and Rachel. This makes them the centre of attention. Seeing the different types of shots used the camera then moves up to Samuels height to show his fascination with the drinking fountain. While showing this, the director blurs everything apart from Samuel and the water fountain to make him the centre of attention. This scene shows how Samuel takes little things for granted which we use every day. The camera is continuously used from the bottom up to make adults look much taller than usual compared to Samuel. At the scene where the statue is included, the director uses an over the shoulder shot of Samuel to show what he is looking at. Samuel sees an angel holding a lifeless body. This is another example of foreshadowing which suggest that Samuel is being protected by an angel. Seeing the over the shoulder shot of the statue shows us that Samuel is very small and insignificant in this big world and could be venerable to danger. Seeing Samuel getting up and leaving his mother leaves Samuel isolated. The director uses a far shot to show this. As Samuel walks away from his mother, the camera pans Samuels walk towards the toilet. The further away he walks, the smaller he gets. It suggests that the smaller he gets the more venerable he becomes. Seeing Samuel walking to the toilets and getting smaller, we then see the murder scene in the toilets. At first we can only hear footsteps and water until the knife gets taken out. When this happens the music starts. The director only uses two sounds at the beginning to create tension then introduces the dramatic music. The camera then switches to Samuel for an extreme close-up shot of his eye. This is where the director gets the name of the film from, witness. Samuel witnesses more than one thing. Not only does Samuel witness a murder, Samuel also witnesses the real world, the modern world, The English World. Samuel then realises that the small Amish world is very different to the large outer world. I think that the murder scene is filmed very well as it gets to the point quickly but doesnt give away too much information. Seeing the search for Samuel made me think for quite a while as it is very hard because not much happens in it. But after a lot of thinking I have come to a decision that the search was well filmed. In the search every time McPhee opens or closes a door the director switches back to a close up of Samuel. This creates tension. In the toilet cubicle the position that Samuel standing in is very similar to the position of Jesus on the cross. Overall the search is well filmed because it is quick and interesting. After the search it leaves you thinking what would have happened if Samuel was found. Seeing the film and trying to relate it to the music is not very easy but I have noticed that every time the director tries to build up tension he uses music which I think is not a very good idea as it eventually becomes boring. I think that the director should come up with new ways to build tension like using flashbacks or other things. Seeing the film, the music used in this movie is only used for one reason, Building up tension. Whenever there is a tense moment the director plays music which is a downside to the film. According to my thoughts, I think that the director looks as if he has run out of ideas. Being a director of a film is a very big thing and I am surprised at how the director keeps repeating things. This just demotes the movie. The Amish are very interesting people. They live in the United States and Canada and are divided into several major groups. The Amish use horses for farming and transportation, dress in a traditional manner, and forbid electricity or telephones in the home. Church members do not join the military, apply for Social Security benefits, take out insurance or accept any form of financial assistance from the government. At home, most Amish speak a mix between German and English. The Amish are all about bringing the community together. For example, if you get married, the community will help build a suitable home/barn for you. If there is a funeral then everyone will attend the funeral. Some people may argue that the Amish make life confusing for others as most families in the community have the same second name, Lapp. If there was a crime committed by the Amish it would be hard to indentify who did it because of the second name as shown in the film. Another fact about the Amish is that the Amish are very strict about the rules, if you break a law of the Amish community you will be shunned out the community which simply means that you will be told to leave the community. Seeing the film made me realise that the world is a very corrupt place. What is the point having a police force if the people who are working for them are corrupt? It just makes matters worse. The police are to help us and prevent crime. In the film, McPhee just shows the opposite of what they are really supposed to be doing for the country. Book trusts Schaeffer to tell him about McPhee but the corruption just gets bigger. It starts off with Just McPhee and ends up with the top of the rank police sergeant. All credit to McPhee about the way he planned the Drugs Bust. Who would have suspected it! A police officer is trying to kill another police officer. I wonder how many other corrupt police officers there are in the world because that part of the film where we find out that McPhee is a police officer makes me feel insecure. Next time I approach a police officer will make wonder-Is he like McPhee? Overall I think that the film is very good and entertaining. Unlike some other films I have watched, this film has a point to make. The actors are well chosen and so is the area where the film has been shot. The story is also very easy to understand. Although this film has many good points, if I had a choice I would not watch it for any more than two or three times. The downsides of this film are that the music is not very appealing and the way of the Amish is not clearly shown. Also some parts are not clearly shown like when McPhee gets shot at the Amish farm. It doesnt show you anything else about it. Out of a mark 0f 10, I would give this film a 6.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Steven Dunn

Professor Stephen Dunn Wins Pulitzer Prize, â€Å"I didn’t think I had a chance.†By Brandi Fornicola Just yesterday poet Stephen Dunn sat casually awaiting questions from the students of a journalism class at Brookdale Community College. He entered the room, took off the layers of winter, and got settled. Dunn, a 2001 Pulitzer Prize winner for Poetry was also scheduled to recite his poems later on, these students had the benefit of meeting him in a more personal setting. After a long silence many inquiries were addressed towards Dunn. When asked if he will feel more pressured with his work since winning the Pulitzer he answered, â€Å" No. Not at all, I will however be more scrutinized because of it.† Dunn addressed each question directed towards him. As he chewed on the tip of his eyeglasses, he informed the students that he liked the attention that his work was getting more than the attention that he was receiving because of the award. â€Å"I think it is one of the dilemmas of being an American poet, that perhaps even if you are famous, you are more famous for being famous than if people know your poetry,† Dunn mentioned in a past interview. After the conference Dunn attended dinner at a nearby restaurant. At 7:30 p.m. he then attended a forum open to the public to commence on the reading of his poetry. The Pulitzer Prize winning collection of poetry, ‘Different Hours’ received the most attention from Dunn. Nine poems from that collection were recited, and over ten poems from additional collections. The Pulitzer Prizes, which are awarded annually by Columbia University in N.Y.C., are not easily obtained. With 2,000 entries submitted each year and only twenty-one awards normally given in a number of fields Dunn knew of the odds against him. When previously asked what he thought his chances were in winning the Pulitzer he stated, â€Å"I didn’t think I had a chance.† There was a stir throughout the audience as the p... Free Essays on Steven Dunn Free Essays on Steven Dunn Professor Stephen Dunn Wins Pulitzer Prize, â€Å"I didn’t think I had a chance.†By Brandi Fornicola Just yesterday poet Stephen Dunn sat casually awaiting questions from the students of a journalism class at Brookdale Community College. He entered the room, took off the layers of winter, and got settled. Dunn, a 2001 Pulitzer Prize winner for Poetry was also scheduled to recite his poems later on, these students had the benefit of meeting him in a more personal setting. After a long silence many inquiries were addressed towards Dunn. When asked if he will feel more pressured with his work since winning the Pulitzer he answered, â€Å" No. Not at all, I will however be more scrutinized because of it.† Dunn addressed each question directed towards him. As he chewed on the tip of his eyeglasses, he informed the students that he liked the attention that his work was getting more than the attention that he was receiving because of the award. â€Å"I think it is one of the dilemmas of being an American poet, that perhaps even if you are famous, you are more famous for being famous than if people know your poetry,† Dunn mentioned in a past interview. After the conference Dunn attended dinner at a nearby restaurant. At 7:30 p.m. he then attended a forum open to the public to commence on the reading of his poetry. The Pulitzer Prize winning collection of poetry, ‘Different Hours’ received the most attention from Dunn. Nine poems from that collection were recited, and over ten poems from additional collections. The Pulitzer Prizes, which are awarded annually by Columbia University in N.Y.C., are not easily obtained. With 2,000 entries submitted each year and only twenty-one awards normally given in a number of fields Dunn knew of the odds against him. When previously asked what he thought his chances were in winning the Pulitzer he stated, â€Å"I didn’t think I had a chance.† There was a stir throughout the audience as the p...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Examples of Social Facts and Their Negative Impact

Examples of Social Facts and Their Negative Impact Social fact is a theory developed by sociologist Emile Durkheim to describe how values, culture, and norms control the actions and beliefs of individuals and society as a whole. Durkheim and Social Fact In his book, The Rules of Sociological Method,  Durkheim outlined social fact, and the book became one of the foundational texts of sociology.   He defined sociology as the study of social facts, which he said were the actions of society. Social facts are the reason why people within a society seem to choose to do the same basic things; e.g., where they live, what they eat, and how they interact. The society they belong to shapes them to do these things, continuing social facts.   Common Social Facts Durkheim used many examples to demonstrate his theory of social facts, including:   Marriage: Social groups tend to have the same ideas toward marriage, such as the appropriate age to get married and what a ceremony should look like. Attitudes that violate those social facts, such as bigamy or polygamy in the Western world, are regarded with disgust.  Language: People living in the same area tend to speak the same language. In fact, they can develop and pass on their own dialect and idioms. Years later, those norms can identify someone as being part of a particular region.  Religion: Social facts shape how we view religion. Different areas have different religious strongholds, with faith being a regular part of life, and other religions are considered foreign and strange.   Social Facts and Religion One of the areas Durkheim explored thoroughly was religion. He looked at the social facts of suicide rates in Protestant and Catholic communities. Catholic communities view suicide as one of the worst sins, and as such, have much lower suicide rates than Protestants. Durkheim believed the difference in suicide rates showed the influence of social facts and culture on actions.   Some of his research in the area has been questioned in recent years, but his suicide research was groundbreaking and shed light on how society affects our individual attitudes and actions.   Social Fact and Control Social fact is a technique of control. Societal norms shape our attitudes, beliefs, and actions. They inform what we do every day, from who we befriend to how we work. Its a complex and embedded construct that keeps us from stepping outside the norm.   Social fact is what makes us react strongly to people who deviate from social attitudes. For example, people in other countries who have no established home, and instead wander from place to place and take odd jobs. Western societies tend to view these people as odd and strange based on our social facts, when in their culture, what theyre doing is completely normal.   What is a social fact in one culture can be abhorrently strange in another; by keeping in mind how society influences your beliefs, you can temper your reactions to what is different.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Multinational Financial Management Master Essay

Multinational Financial Management Master - Essay Example Teacher and staffs of the Department and the Faculty Dean are extremely helpful. Devoid of their assistance this study could not have reached its ultimate conclusion. All the optimistic attributes of this dissertation have driven from those mentioned above. The conclusions or any other errors, omissions and mistakes within this dissertation are attributable just to the author. By Financial Management we mean efficient use of economic resources namely capital funds. According to Phillippatus, "Financial management is concerned with the managerial decisions that result in the acquisition and financing of short term and long term credits for the firm". Here it deals with the situations that require selection of specific assets (or combination of assets), the selection of specific problem of size and growth of an enterprise. Here the analysis deals with the expected inflows and outflows of funds and their effect on managerial objectives and Multinational Financial management focuses on decision-making in an international context. So the discussion on Multinational Financial management is a very important issue for this present time. Competing in a global marketplace presents many challenges. ... CHAPTER-3 METHODOLOGY 24 3.1 Methodology 24 3.2 Research Design 25 3.3 Primary Research 26 3.4 Reliability & Validity of Interviews 26 3.5 Interviews 26 CHAPTER-4 RESULTS / FINDINGS 28 4.1 Why Multinational Financial management 28 4.2 Selecting Global Expansion Strategy 28 4.3 Capital Budgeting For Multinational Corporations 29 4.4 Payment Terms in International Trade 30 4.4 Sample and Data 30 CHAPTER-5 CONCLUSION 36 Bibliography 38 Websites 38 CHAPTER-1: PROBLEM STATEMENT 1.1 Introduction This dissertation describes the perceptions & opinions of Multinational Financial management factors affecting their drives & examination. 1.2 Background: By Financial Management we mean efficient use of economic resources namely capital funds. According to Phillippatus, "Financial management is concerned with the managerial decisions that result in the acquisition and financing of short term and long term credits for the firm". Here it deals with the situations that require selection of specific assets (or combination of assets), the selection of specific problem of size and growth of an enterprise. Here the analysis deals with the expected inflows and outflows of funds and their effect on managerial objectives and Multinational Financial management focuses on decision-making in an international context. So the discussion on Multinational Financial management is a very important issue for this present time. 1.2 Rationale of the Research: Competing in a global marketplace presents many challenges. While the most obvious factors may include determining demand, acquiring trainable local talent, setting up efficient distribution routes, and making strides in global marketing,

Resistant Hypertension and the Role of Renal Denervation Research Paper

Resistant Hypertension and the Role of Renal Denervation - Research Paper Example Hypertension is a common problem worldwide and is one of the major causes of mortality and morbidity. It is associated with several complications like cardiovascular disease, stroke, retinopathy, and renal dysfunction. Elevated blood pressure which has been uncontrolled for a prolonged duration of time can lead to many changes in the structure, blood vessels and the conducting system of the heart. These changes can lead to the development of various conditions of the heart such as coronary artery disease, left ventricular hypertrophy, cardiac arrhythmias, and congestive heart failure. The pathophysiology of hypertensive heart disease is a complex interplay of various structural, neuroendocrine, hemodynamic, molecular and cellular factors (Riaz, 2007). These factors not only have a role in the development of hypertensive heart disease, they also are modulated by elevated blood pressure (Riaz, 2007). Persistent elevation of BP has adverse effects on the cardiac function and structure d ue to increased afterload and also due to vascular and neurohormonal changes (Riaz, 2007). Several medications and strategies have been developed to decrease blood pressure in patients with hypertension and despite these measures; hypertension continues to be a challenge for some patients. Hypertension not responding to routine medical treatment has been categorized as resistant hypertension. Resistant hypertension can be defined as that blood pressure that is above the estimated goal for the age and gender of the patient, despite concurrent use of at least 3 antihypertensive drugs of different mechanism of action, i.e., different classes of antihypertensive agents. Ideally, one of the antihypertensive agents should be a diuretic and optimal doses of the agents must be prescribed. Such a stringent definition is necessary to identify patients whose hypertension can be controlled by revising pharmacological treatment and also in whom identifiable causes of hypertension exist which whe n treated can reverse the need for high doses of antihypertensives.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Ombine the processes of consultancy and project management with people Essay

Ombine the processes of consultancy and project management with people management - Essay Example In order to understand the financial as well as human resource aspects, work breakdown structure will be drawn and budget will be analyzed for the overall project. Time constraint is the most important factor for the success of the project. Failure to deliver the project in time may have an adverse affect on the expected benefit of the project. Hence, the project has taken into consideration the time schedule and network diagram has been developed so as to analyze it. It is also important to determine the risk of the project as risk management is the significant consideration of the project. Therefore, the project will also throw light onto the risk that is associated with the project. Emperor Capital Group Limited was established in the year 1993 and is a Hong Kong based investment holding company. It has been providing various ranges of financial services to the customers. It has been facilitating the brokerage services for various products like securities, future, options, bonds that are traded on the exchanges in Hong Kong, Japan and in the US (Emperor Group, 2010). The company also provides Margin and IPO financing, as well as it has been pioneer in providing loans and other related services to its clients. It is to be noted that the brokerage business of the company has been running since last 12 years along with stable business development. In the year 1994, headquarter was moved to a newly made Emperor Group Center that was located in Wanchai, Hong Kong. Emperor Futures Limited was also established in the same year that provided investors the financial services like securities and future trading. The year 2007 was marked as the most remarkable year as Emperor Capital Group Limited got listed on the main board under the stock exchanges of Hong Kong (Corporate Information, 2010). The company maintains corporate governance and is also committed for effective accountability mechanism in every part of

Using the key studies from the course, suggest what answers Essay

Using the key studies from the course, suggest what answers psychologists can give to the question Who am I - Essay Example logy, even though had reached great heights as far as the theories are concerned, has failed to create a revolution in the society and has proved quite helpless to transform the human nature. (Gross Richard , 2003,Pg.3). But even then, psychologists have done their best to understand the complex creation called the man and tried their best to answer the question, â€Å"Who am I?†. stagnant or a physical thing. It is a volatile and ever-changing aspect of human being and so the question can be answered in different ways. Following are some of the answers that we can come up with. I am the one who try to study and perceive people, events, relationships, the society and the system that I live in. I try to increase my understanding of everything around me using all the sensory abilities that I have so that I can have a control over my life. That is my motivation of the life, to control it and feel powerful and happy about it(Gross Richard , 2003, Pg.13). I am a product of my culture. The culture that I am born into influences me in every way. My thoughts, my behavior pattern, my beliefs, my religion, the food that I eat and the clothes that I wear are nothing but the influences of the I am the most superior of all the species. No other species can beat me when it comes to the ability of communication. I can interpret symbols and make references out of it. I can understand and communicate the things that are not in the space and time. I can mix different parts of the language and form a sentence that makes a sensible meaning. And my most powerful ability is creativity which makes me the most interesting and intelligent species on the earth ( Gross Richard , 2003, Pg.81). Even

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Conclusion of this article (Job satisfaction) Essay

Conclusion of this article (Job satisfaction) - Essay Example Furthermore, only 60% of the respondents believe that their organization's policies and procedures make sense. Many are unsure as to whether diversity increases productivity, innovation, and job satisfaction. Our study reveals alarmingly that other than for race, other dimensions of diversity are not well managed in the organizations that we administer the questionnaires. This has a number of implications for management. Management's efforts in implementing race diversity are confirmed in this study. However, they cannot rest on their laurels just yet, as there is still much to do on gender, age, religion, and sexual orientation. Perhaps, companies can follow the best practices of companies such as International Business Machines Corporations and Hewlett Packard, who have ranked top in numerous employee satisfaction surveys. They can implement women friendly policies, such as setting up in-house child-care centers, telecommunication, or job sharing, where two persons work on the same position.

Not sure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Not sure - Essay Example However, the differences lie in the practicing of the religions. Confucianism does not go beyond establishing an ethical system. It is all about having a good behavior and that is it. Islam, however, has set of rules that are to be followed besides being good. Islam is a monotheist religion and it is a compulsion to pray five times a day to an Almighty God, who is the creator and maintainer of the universe. In Islam there are certain dos and don’ts; for instance, Muslims are not allowed to drink alcohol or eat pork, they have to abstain from pre-marital sex, and so on and so forth. Such rules are not found in Confucianism. Besides the rules, Islam was brought on by Prophet Muhammad who was commanded by the one God to spread His message. A book, Holy Quran, was revealed upon him. No such happenings occurred in Confucianism, and it was founded by Confucius who preached his own teachings and advised people how to live their lives to the fullest and

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Conclusion of this article (Job satisfaction) Essay

Conclusion of this article (Job satisfaction) - Essay Example Furthermore, only 60% of the respondents believe that their organization's policies and procedures make sense. Many are unsure as to whether diversity increases productivity, innovation, and job satisfaction. Our study reveals alarmingly that other than for race, other dimensions of diversity are not well managed in the organizations that we administer the questionnaires. This has a number of implications for management. Management's efforts in implementing race diversity are confirmed in this study. However, they cannot rest on their laurels just yet, as there is still much to do on gender, age, religion, and sexual orientation. Perhaps, companies can follow the best practices of companies such as International Business Machines Corporations and Hewlett Packard, who have ranked top in numerous employee satisfaction surveys. They can implement women friendly policies, such as setting up in-house child-care centers, telecommunication, or job sharing, where two persons work on the same position.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Effectivenes of vitamin D and calcium in preventing falls Essay

Effectivenes of vitamin D and calcium in preventing falls - Essay Example The costs of falls management by the NHS have been increasing steadily and it is apprehended that by 2015 there will be 120,000 cases of fall each year (NHS report 2005). Computerized searches of the following data bases were carried out EMBASE, Medline, Cinahal, Cochrane Library Systematic review, BMJ, PubMed, NHS Economic Evaluation, NHS National Library for Health, Health Techonologly Assessment data base, Cochrane register of controlled Trials, Google Scholar, Google, Ovid, Proquest, British nursing index and Reference list from review articles. Relevant randomised controlled trials, systematic reviews, clinical guidelines, meta analysis in which vitamin D or Vitamin D plus calcium was given and reduction of falls and fractures or prevention of falls and fractures was reported as the primary or secondary outcome. Male and female, male or female community dwelling older adults>60 who participated in randomized control studies that examined the effectiveness of vitamin D and or vitamin D and calcium in the prevention of falls and fractures Of the 10 articles that met the inclusion criteria the majority reviewed showed positive results on the supplementation of vitamin D or vitamin D plus calcium regimen reduced the risk of falls among older adults. In a pooled analysis of the 5 randomised control studies included in this study vitamin D therapy of (200-1000 IU) and calcium significantly resulted in the reduction of falls with an odds ratio of 0.814 in a 95% confidence interval of 0.715 – 0.926. I would like to acknowledge my son Jerome Scott for helping me with the typing of my notes. I would also like to acknowledge the help and support given to me by my colleagues at work whilst undertaking this course. Falls among the elderly is a major health and social care concern in the United Kingdom. According to the International Osteoporosis Foundation (2009), one in every two women and one in every

Monday, October 14, 2019

Importance of selected accounting and related courses as preparation for a management accounting career Essay Example for Free

Importance of selected accounting and related courses as preparation for a management accounting career Essay The heart of the global economy is undergoing a tremendous growth, which has created favorable conditions for professional development accounting career paths.. The present job market is faced with competition and education in a given career choice broadens opportunities. There are numerous types of jobs for individuals to pursuit in the field of accounting with specific requirements for career ranks and particular career clusters. Previously, educators and parents have played a significant role in assisting students choose career paths perceived to be related to economic development and overall economic-driving career path. Career clusters demand similar fundamental education and training, skills and knowledge, and career pathways. Also, accounting career, just like other fields offers the professionals the opportunity to rise along the career ladder from entry level to senior most level.Accounting is the study of the procedure used by a business to track expenses, income, assets, and liabilities over time and at the same time adhering to reporting standards. Accounting career deals with the reporting, recording, and analysis of the financial transactions of a business. While many people think that accounting is a complex career, it is not much about subtracting and adding of numbers, yet about comprehending what those numbers mean and demonstrating the ability to apply and communicate the numbers in an approach that benefits of a business organization. Essentially, accounting revolves around the preparation and analysis of financial statements, which significantly evaluates the success or failures of the company. Accountants act as middle-men between the decision-makers and business activities. As such, they record data from transactions and translate it into a meaning and useful information useful to the management, stockholder, customers, employees, government agencies and creditors. See more:  First Poem for You Essay Accounting Career Cluster                Accounting clusters in accounting involve providing analysis and interpretation of financial records in order to prepare financial documents for regulatory authorities. The job clusters in accounting include tax advisor, auditor, budget analyst, accountant, and actuary. Clusters in accounting encompass career pathways that record, classify, analyze, summarize, and communicate a business’ financial information for management decision-making. Public Accountants               Individuals in public accounting are employed by public accounting firms. They offer a range of accounting activities from financial analysis, statement preparation, private businesses, public firms, non-profit entities and government agencies. Most public accountants are certified public accountants. The most common requirement is a CPA certification, yet there are some other accountings certificates as well, including certified fraud examiner, certified management accountant, and enrolled agents for those specializing in tax. The entry level of a public accountant is a bachelor degree in accounting or finance and proficiency in Microsoft Office applications. A mid-level public accountant must have a CPA certification an advanced degree like an MBA with a focus in accounting or MAcc is useful (Birrer, 2009). Senior level public accountant requires all the mid-level entry requirements with an MBA, or a MAcc is recommended. Financial Accountant                These are accounting individuals that prepares the financial statements based on the general ledgers besides participating in significant financial decisions involving M A, long-term and financial projections. Financial accountants, Birrer (2009) explains, are concerned with how the performance of a company is represented by outside party, loss and cash flow to managers and shareholders. Professionals in financial accounting career path follow the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles set by Financial Accounting Standards Board (Birrer, 2009). The requirements of an entry level a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of business administration. Furthermore, knowledge of bookkeeping, accounting software, accounts payable and receivable. A CPA certification is mandatory for any accountant working for a public company registered with Securities and Exchange Commission. The senior level, however, requires a bachelor in accounting degree or finance or a graduate degree in finance such as MBA. Career paths for financial accountants include staff accountant, bookkeeping, accountant, financial accountant, financial controller, and chief financial officer at a senior level. Management Accountants                  These are individuals employed by public or private companies to support their goals by performing tasks such as budgeting, asset management, cost management, and performance evaluation. Management accountants develop their career to become budget analysts that are responsible for developing and managing financial plans of an organization. There is also a cost accountant profession that works with consulting, corporations or accounting firms in retail and manufacturing sectors. Management accountants, another career path, involve participation in decisions about capital budgeting, business analysis, and shaping business strategy within a company. Management accountants require a bachelor’s degree in accounting or finance and strong technology skills, particularly, in Microsoft Excel (Ankers, 2007). Career LadderPublic Accountant                  According to Institute for Career Research, (2006) reports that the entry level of a public accountant is defined by the types of roles, requirements and job description of pubic accounts. An entry level is a staff accountant, tax personal, or a junior auditor at an accountant firm. Rising through the ranks, the middle level of a public accountant is a senior associate/accountant or tax or a manager for the audit in an accounting firm. The highest accounting rank of a public accountant career path is a senior partner/partner or director of a firm also, a certified public accountant in private practice and a corporate accounting executive or a CFO in a private company. In the senior level, executive accounting oversees audits; tax, drives strategy and business developed and manage client relationships. CPA in private practice, however, works with clients on tax issues, audits or budget analysis. Finally, a CFO conducts senior level management accountant re sponsibilities. Financial Accountant                   The entry level of a financial accountant is a bookkeeper, accountant or a staff accountant for individuals with bachelor’s degree in arts, science or BA. Along the ranks, there is a financial accountant, senior financial analyst and a senior accountant for individuals with all entry level requirements. Besides, strong communications and analytical skills are necessary. The professionals must also demonstrate knowledge of financial regulation. The top most financial accountant career paths include financial director, chief financial officer and a financial controller. These positions require all mid-level entry requirements alongside excellent managerial and interpersonal skills, high standards of accuracy and integrity and a bachelor degree in accounting or finance with MBA desirable (Institute for Career Research, 2006).Management accountants’ entry level becomes staff accountants, junior internal auditor, cost accountant, and a tax accou ntant. Along the ranks, the professionals become accounting managers, senior internal auditor, and a senior accountant. Moreover, the senior-most level is a controller, CFO, director of finance or accounting. While the entry level requires a bachelors’ degree, along the ranks, a senior most position in management accountants requires solid management skills, track record of leadership and excellence in the field and knowledge of the organization and accounting principles of United States. Conclusion                  Discussing career clusters and ladder is such an interesting assignment to establish a solid career path. Accounting professionals are tasked with responsibilities in various career paths and different job ladders. In overall, the accounting field requires professionals to achieve a bachelors’ degree in accounting or finance alongside special skill and knowledge such as communication, computer software, accuracy, integrity, management skills and overall accounting principles. References Ankers, R. G. (2007). Opportunities in an accounting career. New York: Educational Books Division of Universal Pub and Distributing Corp. Birrer, G. E. (2009). Importance of selected accounting and related courses as preparation for a management accounting career. Ann Arbor, Mich: University Microfilms Institute for Career Research. (2006). Career as a certified public accountant: CPA : crunching the numbers and advising businesses and individuals on how to manage their financial affairs. Chicago: Institute for Career Research. Source document

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Geographic Setting Of India History Essay

Geographic Setting Of India History Essay The Indian subcontinent is a large peninsula. It is surrounded on three sides by : the Arabian Sea, the Indian Ocean, and the Bay of Bengal. In the north, the Himalayan Mountain separate India from the rest of Asia. The towering Himalayas form a nearly impassable barrier that is 1,500 miles long. The rugged Hindu Kush Mountains on the Northwest also present barriers to travel. These geographic barriers allowed the first Indian civilization to develop mostly on its own. Yet India was not totally isolated. Determined invaders pushed their way through steep passes, such as the Khyber Pass in the Hindu Kush Mountains. Indian traders carried goods through the mountain passes to the Middle East and China. Furthermore, the surrounding seas served as highway for commercial and cultural contact. The vast Indian subcontinent has many diverse geographic features. The three major regions are: the Northern Plain, the Deccan Plateau, and the Coastal Plain. The three great rivers -the Indus, Ganges, and Brahmaputra flows through the Northern Plain. These broad and slow rivers flow from the snow-covered Himalayas. Together with their tributaries, they supply water for farming and for transportation across the Northern Plain. The fertile soil of the river valleys supports extensive farming. For these reasons the Northern Plain became the home of the first Indian civilization .Later ,invaders set up powerful empires in the Northern Plain. As a result ,the area has played a dominant role in Indian history. The Deccan Plateau is the triangular shaped area, south of the subcontinent. The Vindhya Mountains separate the plateau from the Northern Plain. The Deccan Plateau is bordered on the west and east by long mountain ranges called the Western and Eastern Ghats. Because it lacks the snow- fed rivers found in the north, the Deccan Plateau suffer from droughts ,which make farming difficult. Along the eastern and western coasts of India lie narrow coastal plains, which supports both agriculture and fishing .Although India has few good harbors ,many coastal people of India were seafarers who traded with people in other parts of Asia ,Africa and the Middle East. The chief feature of the Indian climate is the monsoon, a seasonal wind system from June until September , the summer monsoon blows from the Southwest. It picks up moisture over the Indian Ocean and drops torrential rains on the coast and on the Northern Plain. From October to May, the winter monsoon blows from lands to the northeast. Indias hot and dry season reaches its peak during May and are commonly felt in the Northern Plains. Ruins of Harappan Civilization Every year , the people of India wait anxiously for the summer monsoon to bring desperately needed moisture to the parched farmland. When the rain comes, temperature drops ,and crops spring to life. If the monsoon is late ,crops fail ,and food shortages result. The heavy rains can cause destructive floods especially in the lower Ganges Valley. Archeologist discovered traces of ancient civilization in the Indus River Valley . Excavations have revealed that this civilization developed about the same time as the early Egyptian and Sumerian Civilizations. The Indus Valley covered an area larger than the Old Kingdom of Egypt (1,500 km.).Two of its cities ,Harappa and Mohenjo-daro lie close to rivers and digging can cause flooding. Despite these handicaps ,archeologists have uncovered some valuable information. The Two Cities The ruins of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro reveal that they are products of careful planning. Wide straight streets divide residential areas into square blocks. Excavated were houses ,granaries and public halls. There was a sign of a sewer system. Walled fortresses in the towns provided protection. With well-planned cities as Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro, the people might have had a knowledge in surveying and geometry. In addition to this, it could have a strong central government who could have supervised such careful planning and construction. Government and Religion Scholars assume that a priest-king headed the government, and the rulers must have a considerable power because the government exercised strict control. They must have controlled the construction of new buildings and established standards of weights and measures. Like the Egyptians and Sumerians, the people of two cities were polytheist. Statues and masks show that they worshiped a mother-goddess. They also revered sacred animals such as the bull and certain sacred trees. Think and Explain What environmental challenges did the farmers of the Indus Valley face? Economic Life Agricultural economy thrived in the Indus valley civilization. On lands surrounding the cities farmers constructed dams and levees to channel water from the rivers to crops of wheat and barley. Food surpluses supported the large population and prompted the growth of trade. A merchant class acquired wealth from trade and commerce in the cities. Merchants exported cotton cloth to places as far as Mesopotamia, gold jewelry stone carvings of animals. End of Indus Valley Civilization Indus Valley civilization began to decline many years before it finally ended about 1500 C.E. Most authorities believe that about 1500 C.E. the Aryans invaded the Indus valley. When the Indus Valley fell, the people fled to other parts of India. About 1500 C.E the civilization was almost forgotten. Like many nomadic people ,the Aryans swept into India through the passes of the Hindu Kush Mountains. Their fierce nomadic herds had come originally from the region between the Black and Caspian Seas north of the Caucasus Mountains. The newcomers already knew the use of iron and the use of horses that gave them superiority in warfare. They came in contact with the Dravidians .These Dravidians were probably the survivors of the Indus Valley civilization. Their civilization, as revealed from the remains of the town, show a static society. In time, the fusion of Aryans and the Dravidians led to the rise of a new pattern of Indian life. The Aryans introduced the caste system in India. Aside from Aryan invasion,flooding was also cited as the cause of decay of the Indus Valley civilization.Recent studies also show that complex ecological change /climate change which led to famines forced inhabitants to leave their well planned cities. Think and Respond How could natural disasters have contributed to the decline of Indus valley civilization? What ecological problems does the world face today? Ensure Ancient India Geography Indus Valley Civilization Expand Excel Identify the correct answer. The chief feature of Indian climate is _____________________. The first civilization in India was developed in ______________. The mountain separating India from the rest of Asia is ________. The natural phenomenon that makes farming difficult in the Deccan Plateau was ___________. Mountain separating Deccan Plateau from the Northern Plain is ________________. Prove: A country can be isolated from other parts of the world by its geographic barriers.Give example. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Respond to Essential Question The earliest recorded civilization in India began in the near fresh water source -the Indus River. Make Connections Imagine that you are an archeologist digging in the Indus region. Write a wish list of the three items you would like to uncover to learn more about the Indus Valley civilization

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Collectivist Anarchism :: Papers

Collectivist Anarchism The philosophical roots of Collectivist Anarchism lie in socialism rather than liberalism. Collectivists believe that human beings are social animals better suited to working together for the common good, than for individual interests. When people are linked together by a common humanity they have no need to be controlled or regulated by a government. As Michael Bakunin proclaimed, 'social solidarity is the first human law, freedom is the second law'. Collectivist anarchists are sometimes criticised for holding a naÃÆ' ¯ve and hopelessly optimistic view of human nature. Human beings will be greedy if they are brought up in an unjust society, they will be caring if they are brought up in a society where justice and equality reign. This helps us to understand just why anarchists are so interested in education. Anarchism and Marxism - what's the difference? A number of parallels exist between Collectivist Anarchism and Marxismà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ ÃÆ' ¼ Both see capitalism as a system of class exploitation ÃÆ' ¼ Human beings have the ultimate ability to order their own affairs without the controlling hand of state intervening. But Collectivists and Marxists do come into conflict over a couple of thingsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ * Firstly Anarchists criticise Marxism's deterministic character, taking destiny out of the hands of the people, and making it an economic certainty. * Marxists view the proletariat as the only truly revolutionary class, whereas anarchists view everyone from peasants, to students, to the ethnic minorities, as victims of repression. * The ideologies also differ in the need for a 'vanguard party', with the specific purpose of leading the oppressed to utopia. Anarchists have always rejected traditional political means, and that only a spontaneous uprising of the masses can lead to true anarchism, and so avoid aà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ * à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦'Dictatorship of the Proletariat', an idea crucial to defending the progression from capitalist to socialist, according to Marx, and one abhorred by anarchists, who view the state not as a symbol of class rule, but as an independent oppressive body.

Friday, October 11, 2019

History of Bloodletting Essay

Hans von Gersdorff: Feldbuch der Wundarzney (Field book of surgery) (Page 16V), 1517 The above diagram is from a medicine book published in 1517 by a German surgeon Hans von Gersdorff, showing the points of bloodletting, we can see that there are nearly 50 points of bloodletting distributed in all parts of the body. The diagram also shows a dissection of a male human body with most of the organs shown, it seems that people at time or before that time already did a lot of experiments and dissections on human body trying to understand their own body and how to treat different illness by bloodletting. It can also be conclude that bloodletting is a very scientific way to treat illness at that time as it appears in a published medicine book, the diagram shows a quite accurate human dissection and there are so many points of bloodletting for treating illnesses. Bloodletting is a medical practice of withdrawing blood from our body by bleeding, the history of bloodletting started at the ancient times and found in many countries, its idea is to remove the excessive or the bad humours in our body in order to maintain health. This idea come from the menstruation of female as people at that time though that menstruation is a process of removing bad humours. The idea of bloodletting is reinforced by the humoral theory and research of Galen. Galen states that blood is produced in the live and is consumed in body parts, blood is not circulating and so will stagnate in different body parts. And the humoral theory of Galen state that the healthiness of our body is maintained by the humoral balance. So if there is excessive humours, we should remove them in order to maintain health. If blood is the excessive humour, bloodletting should be performed. These two idea combined together and contributed to the development of bloodletting. There are so many points of bloodletting shown in the diagram is possibly because of people at that time though that different diseases are caused by excessive blood stagnate in different body parts, so they perform bloodletting in different body parts in order to heal different illnesses by restoring the humoral balance. The idea of bloodletting lasts for almost 2,000 years and was disproved by William Harvey. From my point of view, William’s research disprove the theory of bloodletting in two ways. Firstly, William founds that blood is not produced in liver then used up in body parts as Galen said, but is circulating all around the body and so it will not stagnate in the body parts. Therefore bloodletting in different body part will get the same result and the theory of performing bloodletting in different body part to treat different illness is disproved. Secondly, as blood is not produced then used up, so the production rate of blood is not as fast as Galen thought. Actually, the production rate of blood in our body is quite slow and so the amount of blood is relatively constant. As the procedure of bloodletting is to remove quite a large amount of blood, so this will weaken our body and sometimes maybe even fatal. This disprove the idea of using bloodletting to treat illness. Despite of this, the practice of bloodletting still quite common until the 1900s because of its own long history. Nowadays, bloodletting is seldom use as a kind of scientific medical treatment already as most of the people knows about the side effects of it, but it still appears in some folk healing practice. Reference: 1. Wikipedia – Bloodletting 2. Wikipedia – Galen 3. Wikipedia – William Harvey 4. The Medieval Period’s Most Painful Medical Procedures And Instruments 5. Top 10 Bizarre Healing Treatments 6. CCST9024 Blood, Beliefs, Biology Lecture 2 PowerPoint 7. CCST9024 Blood, Beliefs, Biology Lecture 3 PowerPoint

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Legal Compliance with Un Directives

Beyond Bricks : A report on a new proposed business plan in the field of renewable energy 2013 Strategy Builders Consulting Inc. 2/5/2013 Introduction Sustainable development and renewable energy are among the most talked about topics at the moment. Renewable energy is the concept that the think tanks are throwing their weight behind, and the same is true for the European Union (EU, henceforth) The business model that we are going to propose, deals with promoting renewable energy resources, and has a lot of other elements to it, which are all in compliance with the vision that the EU has in place.The existing real estate agency in question is functional in both the residential as well industrial sectors. As a result of your operations, you have a strong and commendable network in place, which can be utilised in furthering our recommended business model. According to the ‘Energy 20:20’ vision of the EU, every new building must comply with renewable energy standards, set b y regulations. The existing and old buildings will also have to modify their installations to meet the new requirements.Considering that improving energy efficiency is high on importance for the EU, and for the entire developed world, we anticipate that the authorities are going to be fairly stringent on the issue of compliance of the said regulations. In approximately 7-9 years from today, it is going to be mandatory for buildings to meet the new set of criteria. Since we are still some distance away from the 2020 milestone, there is a fair chance of exploiting the time and reaping benefits. The Concept We propose to set up a model, wherein we facilitate installation as well as replacement of efficient and renewable energy components.We will have to tie up with providers of renewable energy sources and provide their services and products to our customers, who buy property from us. This service will also include our previous customers who would be looking to replace their current el ectricity system with renewable energy. In addition to promoting and facilitating use of renewable energy, we also propose to set up a carbon capture and storage unit and mechanism for our industrial installations. We will form alliances with small scale providers of these mechanisms and provide their services and goods to our customers.In addition to the task of acting as an intermediary, we also propose to employ and train a team of technicians, who will provide maintenance and after sales services to the customers. For this maintenance team, we will hire young, unemployed people from lower sections of the economy, who will be trained by our energy providing partners, and this initiative will hence, help in improving their societal placement. We also propose to tie up with an energy efficiency certification agency, so that our customers can easily obtain certifications.Rationale behind the concept The Commission says that EU must embrace renewable sources, not only to slow the cli mate changes but also because the EU's reliance on imported gas that is set to increase from 57% currently to 84% by 2030, and on imported oil from 82% to 93%. Hence the EU sets the goal of 1. Increasing renewable energy's share of the market to 20% by 2020, from around 8. 5% today. 2. Energy consumption is to be cut by 20% by 2020 through improved energy efficiency compared to 1990 levels. 3.Green house gas emissions are to be cut by 20% by 2020 compared with 1990 levels. The commission says states aid can legitimately be used to promote emissions cuts and increase take-up of renewables, so long as it does not breach EU competition rules. The commission has come up with new proposals for the EU to co-finance national and local schemes to promote energy-efficient housing. The EU will help member states install double glazing, wall insulation and solar panels in housing, especially targeting low-income households. The customersThe target group of customers for this business will be o ur own existing and new customers. Evidently, since renewable sources of energy are more expensive when compared to their non renewable counterparts, there might be an initial reluctance from the customers, to shell additional Euros. To educate them about the benefits of cleaner energy, their carbon footprint, as well as the impending EU regulations, we propose to have an â€Å"Energy Consultant†, who will lay out plans, a cost-benefit analysis and answer any questions that the customers might have.The existing customers will actually be a more vital part of this proposed business model, because they will be the ones who will be replacing their existing electricity systems into renewable sources, and they will form a bigger proportion of the revenue pool, because their numbers will exceed the number of new buildings coming up. The new business concept will have to be communicated to the existing customers using our contact database, and then the consultant/s will be functiona l in bringing them onboard with the new ideas.Scope of the Model: Target Market France’s real estate environment is in perpetual change from the classical renting to owner/occupant system and the trend is visible from the 1960’s to date whereby 45% of the people rented v/s 42 % owned to 38 % (renting) and 57% (ownership). The renting environment is currently made of 54 % of private sector housing and 46 % of social housing. Furthermore, out of the 9. 8 million private sector residences for rental purposes, 4. 5 million are HLM (habitation a loyer modere) or project housing.With these housing projects housing most of the poor populations, the costs of energy by legacy providers such as EDF is high and hence the costs of electricity and heating is an additional burden. The available housing is also relatively old (40%) of private rental properties built before 1948 and the needs for upgrading these properties to comply with EU regulation is tremendous. 60% of the rental property is also located in metropolis of 100000+ inhabitants with most of the rural housing being privately owned.The remote locations have lesser choices in terms of energy providers as the small scale providers are only present on part of the territory. The lack of competition drives prices high and slows the implementation of cleaner energy. As for the low income housing projects, most of them were built between 1950-1970 (50%) and due to high density and low maintenance, they require even more urgent upgrades to both comply with regulation and help the government in its housing policy making.By pairing up with smaller scale energy providers across the board from wind power harvesters like Planete Oui to solar energy providers like Direct Energy, we are creating a partnership with smaller scale EU based energy producers (as opposed to EDF) and we are encouraging competition, hence lowering costs for customers. Besides, this partnership can lead to training of young unemployed pe ople in the housing projects in electrical engineering/maintenance, hence contributing to fight unemployment. Besides, he youth know their neighborhood needs better and by outsourcing routine maintenance, the energy providers can save a lot in terms of travel costs for their maintenance teams. The Suppliers: Our role in this business model will be that of a facilitator, a middle-man of sorts. We will bring about the connection between renewable energy providers and willing buyers. We will focus on producers of wind power and solar power. We wish to focus on the smaller players in the market, because not only will in promote them, it will potentially increase competition in the energy market in France, where EDF is the largest supplier now.It will also be easier logistically for us to tie up with smaller producers. Our alliance will be based on a commission based system, where we will receive a commission based on the business volume from the producers, as we will be functional in en hancing their reach, network and business. Minimum Compliance Requirements: The states are obliged to comply with the above methodology in order to achieve cost-optimal levels. The level of these requirements is reviewed every 5  years.When setting requirements, Member States may differentiate between new and existing buildings and between different categories of buildings. New buildings  shall comply with these requirements and undergo a feasibility study before construction starts, looking at the installation of renewable energy supply systems, heat pumps, district or block heating or cooling systems and cogeneration systems. When undergoing major renovation,  existing buildings  shall have their energy performance upgraded so that they also satisfy the minimum requirements.When new, replaced or upgraded technical building systems such as heating systems, hot water systems, air-conditioning systems and large ventilation systems are installed, they shall also comply with th e energy performance requirements. Building elements that form part of the building envelope and have a significant impact on the energy performance of that envelope (for example, window frames) shall also meet the minimum energy performance requirements when they are replaced or retrofitted, with a view to achieving cost-optimal levels. Calculating energy performance:At the national or regional level, the buildings are evaluated by a methodology for calculating the energy performance which takes into account certain elements, specifically: * The thermal characteristics of a building (thermal capacity, insulation, etc. ); * heating insulation and hot water supply; * the air-conditioning installation; * the built-in lighting installation * Indoor climatic conditions The Finance Our research and analysis shows us that the initial start-up investment in the business will be â‚ ¬ 5 million. Out of this sum, we already have â‚ ¬ 1 million at our disposal.Out of the rest, we propose to send an application to the EU, with a request for funding under the EEPR or European Energy Programme for Recovery. We expect the EU to fund between 20% – 50% ( 1 mn – 2. 5 mn Euros ) of our project, and the rest will be sourced from angel investors and bank loans. The EEPR funds projects in three main areas of the energy sector: †¢Gas and electricity infrastructures †¢Off-shore wind energy †¢Carbon capture and storage This Regulation also establishes a financial instrument the aim of which is to support initiatives related to energy efficiency and renewable energy.The programme finances interconnection projects with a number of objectives, out of which, our business model complies with the following objectives: * Diversification of sources of energy and supplies * Optimisation of the capacity of the energy network and the integration of the internal energy market * Developmentof the network * Connection of renewable energy sources In addition to the se objectives, our model also includes carbon capture and storage, and this should facilitate the funding of our project, because it ticks a lot of check boxes on the EU list.Our project is aligned with the 2020 vision of the EU, The new concept goes beyond the classical real estate agent business, as it promotes clean energy use, it promotes SMEs, and it also increases employment among unemployed youth also. Appendix: Objective: Nearly zero-energy buildings By 31  December 2020, all new buildings shall be nearly zero-energy consumption buildings. New buildings occupied and owned by public authorities shall comply with the same criteria by 31  December 2018.The Commission encourages increasing the numbers of this type of building by putting in place  national plans, which include: * The Member State’s application in practice of the definition of nearly zero-energy buildings; * The intermediate targets for improving the energy performance of new buildings by 2015; * The information on the policies and financial measures adopted to encourage improving the energy performance of buildings. Financial incentives and market barriers Member States shall draw up a list of the existing and potential instruments used to promote improvements in the energy performance of buildings.This list is to be updated every three years. References http://news. bbc. co. uk/2/hi/europe/7765094. stm http://europa. eu/legislation_summaries/energy/energy_efficiency/en0021_en. htm http://eur-lex. europa. eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ. do? uri=OJ:L:2010:153:0013:0035:EN:PDF http://europa. eu/legislation_summaries/environment/sustainable_development/l28075_en. htm http://ec. europa. eu/clima/policies/g-gas/index_en. htm http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/%C3%89lectricit%C3%A9_de_France http://europa. eu/legislation_summaries/energy/energy_efficiency/l27021_en. htm http://www. territoires. gouv. fr/spip. php? article1173

Environmental Influences on Performance

1. â€Å"Marathon race organizers should be mindful of weather conditions during the race ‘ Discuss the above statement on a scientific marathon footrace is among the most physiologically demanding endurance events in the world. Competitive runners typically maintain a pace corresponding to 70-90% of their maximal aerobic capacity [3,15,20] for more than 2 h. At maximal mechanical efficiency, more than 80% of the energy required for this task is transferred as heat to the body core [9]. Moreover, the rate of endogenous heat production associated with a 2-h 10-min marathon estimated from ordinary heat-balance equations [9] is approximately 1400 kcal ·h-1. This metabolic heat must be dissipated to the surrounding environment, or body temperature will rise to physiologically dangerous levels. Lind [13] has demonstrated that core temperature is independent of climate over a temperature range he has termed the â€Å"prescriptive zone. † It has been demonstrated that the width of the prescriptive zone progressively narrows as metabolic rate increases. Thus, climate begins to affect physiological responses to exercise at relatively cooler temperatures during activities that elicit high metabolic rate compared with those eliciting lower metabolic rates. More recently, it has been demonstrated that endurance performance is indeed impaired when exercising in warm versus more temperate laboratory conditions and that air temperatures of approximately 10 °C seem optimal for endurance exercise [10]. One criticism of these and other laboratory findings is that typical airflows used for indoor testing situations are well below those encountered when running or cycling outdoors ver the ground. The lack of appropriate airflow substantially reduces the combined heat transfer coefficient [9] and may overestimate physiological strain [2]. Few field studies have examined the effect of weather conditions on endurance running performance[16,17,22]. Although it is generally observed that race performances worsen as weather warms, there are current ly no data quantifying the magnitude of performance reduction. In addition, these studies relied only on data from elite male runners; thus, the implications for slower competitors or women runners are only speculative. COLD WEATHER BEST FOR MARATHON PERFORMANCE Every runner knows that cool weather is better than hot weather for marathon performance. But a recent study from the U. S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine suggests that relatively cold weather is better than merely cool weather. Researchers gathered many years' worth of results and weather data from six major North American marathons and performed stastical analyses to determine the effect of air temperature on finishing times among runners at various levels of performance. Specifically, they looked at year-to-year comparative finishing times of the top three male and female runners at each event, as well as the 25th, 50th, 100th, and 300th finishers. The results showed a clear trend toward faster times at colder temperatures. For example, the finishing times of male races winners were, on average, 1. 7% slower than the course record when the air temperature was between 34 and 50 degrees. The finishing times of the top male runners were 2. 5% slower than the course record, however, when the temperature was between 51 and 59 degrees. And at higher temperatures, finishing times fell off even more dramatically. Runners at all levels were slowed by warmer air, but higher temperatures had a smaller effect on faster runners. The ideal marathon temperature, according to these analyses, was a bone-chilling 41 degrees. Think about that when you sign up for your next marathon! 2. Divers who collect ornamental fish have to work in a hostile environment. Discuss how the SCUBA apparatus helps these divers to meet the challenge of the deep sea environment. SCUBA diving is an exciting and first-hand way for scientists to study the underwater environment. It is one among the most effective ways for executing underwater experiments that require high quality precise measurements. SCUBA as the name suggests stands for Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus. It literally means that all divers carry all of required breathing equipment’s and gases with them. Hence they are subjected to water temperature, pressure, currents, and other factors revolving oceans present at the diving depth. The NURP program approximately supports about 10,000 SCUBA Divers for Scientific Research work. NURP provides all the necessary equipments and finances for scientists and technical assistance to conduct diving operations. They use both open circuit as well as closed circuit breathing apparatus. The difference between them primarily relies upon what happens to the exhaled gas. In open system the gas is exhaled in to the water. A closed system apparatus has recycling abilities and thus lasts longer underwater as it reduces carbon-dioxide and adds oxygen in a cyclic manner inside the container. It reduces the amount of gas required in the container and also allows the diver to remain streamlined. The breathing gas provided by NURP involves compressed air, NITROX and TRIMIX. NITROX is a composition of nitrogen and oxygen whilst TRIMIX is a composition of oxygen, nitrogen and helium. NITROX is of special interest to NOAA. It was in introduced in late 1970’s which allows the divers to stay longer underwater when compared to compressed air alone. Each of these gases is of different properties which enables the diver to dive at maximum depths. 3. The year 1968 marked the emergence of high altitude trained long distance runners from Kenya. Discuss the scientific basis of high altitude training and how it helps to perform better in long distance events. The theory underlying the belief that training at high altitude can enhance athletic performance sounds reasonable enough. Work out in an environment that causes the body to produce more oxygen-carrying red blood cells and an athlete will be able to perform better than he or she can when trained at a lower elevation. Proponents of this theory point to East African runners, who have dominated long-distance events in recent years, as proof that training at high altitudes pays off. But if that’s the case, why don’t runners from other high altitude countries such as Peru and Mexico perform equally well? And why do some athletes excel in endurance sports despite having never trained at high altitude? â€Å"[High-altitude training has] had so much press that certain athletes feel like they’re at a disadvantage if they’re not doing altitude training,† says Andrew Subudhi, a researcher at the Altitude Research Center in Denver and assistant professor of biology at the University of Colorado in Colorado Springs. There’s a big movement for endurance athletes to move to high altitude if they’re serious about [improving their performance]. † Into Thin Air But does it really help? Answering that question is harder than one might think, despite numerous scientific studies on the relationship between altitude and athletic performance. The issue reached prominence at the 1968 summer Olympics in Mexico City (elevation 7, 349 feet), when questions arose about the best way to prepare for competing in the thin air, Subudhi says. Thin air† is a term used to describe air that contains less oxygen than air at sea level (20. 9% at sea level compared with 15. 3% at higher altitudes). The number of red blood cells found in the body of an endurance athlete who does not live and train at high altitudes may be insufficient to supply the amount of oxygen needed at higher altitudes. To help deal with this problem, athletes may live and train at high altitudes several weeks before a competition to increase the number of red blood cells, which are produced in response to greater release of the hormone erythropoietin. More red blood cells allows a person’s blood to carry more oxygen, which partly makes up for the shortage of oxygen in the air. Studies have found that athletes do perform better in competitions held at high altitudes if they live and train at high altitudes prior to competition, Subudhi says, but training at high altitudes does not necessarily help athletes perform better at low altitudes as one might assume. â€Å"When you’re at altitude, you can’t train as hard, and when you’re not training as hard, you’re not getting the same training stimulus,† he says. â€Å"Training at altitude doesn’t mean you’ll do well at sea level. Then again, that doesn’t mean that you won’t, says Jack Daniels, PhD, head distance coach at the Center for High Altitude Training at Northern Arizona University. Daniels says the key benefit to training at higher than normal altitudes is that it teaches an athlete how to hurt, and learning to tolerate pain can help athletes push themselves harder than they would otherwise. â€Å"It’s good for an athlete to learn to really lay it out there, and it’s easy to do that [in high altitude] without working quite as hard,† says Daniels, who has coached 31 individual3/22/13 Printer-friendly article page www. motionsports. com/blog/training at altitude. htm 2/3 NCAA national champions in his career. Although there are benefits to training at altitude, Daniels says, the advantages one might gain are unimportant when compared with more mundane factors. No matter where people train, he says, they want comfortable housing, healthy food, a friendly atmosphere, good training facilities, desirable weather, and adequate medical and therapy attention. â€Å"In other words, you train best where you are happiest,† Daniels says. If you c an have that at altitude, that's good, but if you do altitude-type things and don't have those other things, then you are wasting your time. It is very disturbing to me to hear people say, ‘If you don't train at altitude you may as well not bother trying. ’ I think we have all the things an athlete would want right here, but anyone who comes here and is not happy, I encourage to leave. † Live High, Train Low Daniels also doesn’t believe in another philosophy that has gained considerable support in recent years from researchers who have studied the altitude-performance relationship. Known as â€Å"live high, train low,† this philosophy holds that endurance athletes benefit most from living in high-altitude conditions but training at low altitude where they are able to push themselves harder. The term â€Å"live high, train low† came into being in 1996 when researchers James Stray-Gundersen and Benjamin Levine studied the relationship between altitude, training, and performance using three groups of endurance athletes. One group lived and trained in Park City, Utah, (elevation 7,000 feet) while another group lived there and trained at a lower altitude. A third group lived and trained in San Diego (elevation 72 feet). After the four-week training period ended, all were tested at a low altitude. â€Å"They found that the group that lived high but trained low got the best benefit; that was measured in 5-kilometer time trials. † Subudhi says. The reason for the improved performance among the live-high, train-low group, researchers hypothesized, is that by living in high-altitude conditions, their bodies produced more red blood cells in response to the lower concentration of oxygen. And because these athletes trained at a lower elevation, they were able to push themselves harder than they would have at higher altitudes, resulting in a higher training stimulus. The results of this and other studies received so much media attention that companies began manufacturing masks, tents, and rooms that would allow athletes to live anywhere in high-altitude conditions. Devices cost anywhere from hundreds to thousands to tens of thousands of dollars. Some companies convert entire houses to these conditions, and both Finland and the United States have outfitted dormitories in this way. Manufacturers claim benefits can occur from as little as six to eight hours of exposure. But those claims are not supported by research, Subudhi says, who contends 15 to 16 hours per day exposure is supported by research. Exercise rooms designed to mimic high-altitude conditions can benefit athletes who live at low altitudes and are planning to compete at a high altitude, he says: â€Å"If your competition is at altitude, then you need to train at altitude. † Altitude Advantage The only danger associated with the use of such devices is reducing oxygen levels too quickly, and almost everyone will experience more difficulty sleeping, Subudhi says. However, it’s rare to see athletes suffering from acute mountain sickness, commonly known as altitude sickness, or from high-altitude pulmonary or cerebral edema among those who live at an 8,000- to 9,000-foot altitude, he says. Plus, benefits are temporary: An athlete who stops living under high-altitude conditions will begin to see a loss in benefits in about two weeks as extra red blood cells die off, he says. Bob Cranny, PT, owner of Altitude Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine in Boulder, Colo. , is a big believer in the benefits of training at altitudes of 2,500 feet or greater. He and his wife are both triathletes and marathon runners who moved to Boulder (elevation 5,430 feet) 12 years ago from Long Beach, Calif. , because they believed the higher altitude would enhance their performance. Many athletes in the area follow the live-high, train-low philosophy, although it might more accurately be described as â€Å"live high, train lower. † That’s because many athletes who train in Boulder live at elevations of3/22/13 Printer-friendlyarticlepage www. kmotionsports. com/blog/training at altitude. htm 3/3 round 9,000 feet and travel to Boulder’s 5,430-foot elevation to train, as opposed to sea level. â€Å"If you could live at 9,000 feet and train at sea level, that would be even better — that would be wonderful,† Cranny says. So the answer to the question of whether training at high altitude will enhance an athlete’s performance is: maybe. Training at altitude will help some, while other athletes might benefit best fro m alternate training methods. â€Å"I see altitude as a type of training, and if this type suits you then it is good,† Daniels says.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Human Behavior and the Environment Seminar UNIT 6 Research Paper

Human Behavior and the Environment Seminar UNIT 6 - Research Paper Example Nevertheless, the risk before such success is very thin. In other words, the study has ended into a conclusion that children with divorced parents stood either in a normal life or in a rebellious life. For example, a child, who had seen his or her parents within a marital conflict, has a tendency to lead a life under financial insecurities, failure in academic aspect, alcohol, cigarettes, and unemployment. Moreover, McLanahan would eventually point out the economic instability of households facing divorce as one of the main contributors of the adjustment deficiency of a child. In other words, the study claims that rebellious children are neither the cause nor reason of marital conflicts; rather, there is a huge possibility that 8 out of 10 rebellious children were products of marital conflicts. With such gravity of the consequences of marital conflicts, teenagers must be given value and a lot of understanding within their family and institutions they are into. Basically, most of their time when classes start was being spent in schools. During summer, holidays, or other vacations, most of their time was being spent together with their family. These times are very crucial and delicate. Hence, these moments must never be put to waste. In other words, these times will be beneficial if parents and institutions will put it in good use. Otherwise, such moments of development will pass by without emotional or psychological positive effects to the children. A lot of resources and studies were made in order to use such delicate time towards the development of each and every child. A lot of experts, such as the APA President Dr. Norine Johnson, have invited every parent to take time in reading various brochures that are full of information. Such information includes topics about adolescence, peers, self-esteem, sexuality, moods, preventing rebellion, and a lot more. These resources must be taken advantage in order to guide teenagers nowadays.